Introducing you to a world of...

Luxury Garden Offices

Masters in garden office construction, and experts in garden office design and build.
The UK Garden Office company specialises in using quality materials that ensure tried and tested results for year round use.
4.8 Stars on TrustPilot

A wealth of experience and knowledge

The UK Garden Office company specialises in using quality materials that ensure tried and tested results for year round use.

Starting with components that ensure outstanding performance, allows us to concentrate on both modern and traditional design features without compromise.

A perfect combination to ensure your home working space, or insulated garden room 'works for you'.

Garden Offices

The Contemporary

The most popular garden office is the contemporary, due to it's modern look simple design.

Full height walls make this garden office unique in it's field, whilst the Elegance just oozes class with it's vertical cladding and full width porch.

The modern

The modern garden office range is unique to Warwick Buildings and offers something extra special in the garden office market.

If this is the only garden office you intend to buy then make it something special.

The Box Office

Similar to the Pod, but offering more value for money if you can accommodate one of the sizes.

The box office is a winner if the patio door and window works for you.

The Office Pod

The pod fits neatly into small gardens and provides a stylish addition to your garden.

Similar to the Box Office, but available in more sizes and is completely customisable.

Ready To Configure Your New Office?

Garden Rooms

The Curved Roof

A centre piece for any garden. The hand made curve and the canopy style overhangs, really will add status and glamour to your working environment.

Be the envy of all the commuters.

The Traditional

This look is still a popular choice especially if you live in the countryside.

Full of character and tradition, the cottage windows and pitched roof sit together like no modern garden office

The Studio

Similar to the Traditional garden room, only with French doors and windows, this design also sits well in established country gardens.

Ideal artist studio, with a vaulted ceiling.

The Elegance

A sophisticated design that prides itself on symmetry and minimalism.

This vertical clad garden office is the futuristic model that will keep you wanting to work from home.


Architecturally Designed


Manufactured in the UK


Hassle Free Installation
4.8 on TrustPilot

Come and take a look around our Show room

Customer Case Study

Inspiration for your garden office

If you need inspiration, then take a look at how film production company JAEGER FILM, are using their Garden Office.

Create the perfect space to work in, our bespoke garden office's give you the perfect canvas to craft your own unique and inspirational haven to work from.

You're In Safe Hands


You get to benefit from well over 35 years of experience in manufacturing timber buildings. Using our knowledge ensures you get a garden room that is fits together correctly and is built to last.


Is the number of designs that you can choose from. This includes pitched roof, curved roof, and single sloped roof designs. Each design can be customised to create the perfect garden room for you.


This is the number of garden rooms, garden offices, timber garages, workrooms and stables that we've built for our customers, throughout the UK. It includes a large number of custom designs


The year that we purchased our manufacturing site in the heart of the midlands, and set off on the journey of providing outstanding quality buildings at a fair price.


The percentage of people who have been recommended to us prior to purchasing a building. These include customers in France, Channel Islands and the Scottish Islands.


The furthest distance in kilometres, that two of our buildings have travelled before being assembled. Two insulated garden rooms are in the Falkland Islands, used for the UK Penguin studies.

Specialists in the design, manufacture and installation of superior quality garden rooms, garden office pods, and garden studios, complete with outstanding service, at a fair price.
  • 01926 815757
  • Nightingale Lane,
    Long Itchington,
    Southam, Warwickshire,
    CV47 9QZ
  • sandal.bridges.reworked
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